3DWorld (97/293)

From:Timo K Suoranta
Date:18 Apr 2000 at 08:46:51
Subject:Re: glElite for PPC

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Sam Jordan wrote:
> >both window and fullscreen modes. Is it possible to get right mouse
> >button accessed in windowed mode? I certainly hope so. Meanwhile, I
> This would disable the entire GLUT menu system. I won't make GLUT

Well, in the win32 and linux glut implementation, the RMB is only
used by the glut menu *when there exists one*. I have not defined
any glut menu - I do not want one - so why there is such? Option
to disable the default menu will be fine, but I would like to be
able to build glElite from single sources without #ifdef PLATFORMs.

> behave that way by default, but I will consider adding a variable
> to disable the GLUT menus in favor of beeing able to check the RMB

My suggestion: have an environment variable to disable the default
stormmesa-glut-menu. Then all mouse buttons were accessible. And if
the program does define it's own menu, then the right mousebutton
will be used for the menu and no longer accessible to program.

> But don't count on it to appear in the next few days, I have
> very little time right now.

This is ok, I have no hurry at all.

> Don't confuse StormMesa and GLUT. The former does not deal with anything
> related to windowing/event handling.

Well, the glut in StormMesa. No other glut blocks mousebuttons, no other
glut has default menu - or?

> My GLUT port should support the third mouse button.

Great - that will solve the problem meanwhile. At the end I will
like to have all three though.

-- Timo Suoranta -- tksuoran@cc.helsinki.fi --